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Here’s some fun things to do in the meantime.
We believe in crafting exceptional beer and exceptional communities, and we do both in a similar fashion: with respect, care, and good old fashioned elbow grease. We strive to be leaders in the communities we are part of through our hands-on involvement, and our commitment to community goes far beyond keeping our beer in stock on shelves. We’re here because we care about the neighborhoods, parks, waterfronts, and people who make our region great. Together, we’re Brewing Good.
Nearly 93 million miles away, the sun is Brewing Good, too. In February 2017, we installed a 62-panel photovoltaic array on the roof of our brewery. These 325 watt, made in the USA modules have the capacity to reach 20.1 kW and have the capabilities to produce enough energy to power 2 US homes for a year (or nearly 16,000 cases for all you beer drinkers out there). The use of these solar panels offsets 13 tons of CO2 emissions per year, which is the equivalent of planting 200 trees.
In addition to our brewery panels, we installed solar panels on the brewpub roof in November 2009. The use of these panels preheats incoming city water used in the brewpub and offsets an average American household’s use of natural gas per year!
You can’t brew great beer without great water, which is why GLBC founded The Burning River Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to improving, maintaining, and celebrating the vitality of our regional freshwater resources. Established in 2007 as an outgrowth of the continued success of the Burning River Fest, we have awarded over $500,000 to local non-profit organizations. Our vision is to establish Northeast Ohio as the recognized environmental leader dedicated to the sustainability of its high quality freshwater resources.
Through the Burning River Fest, we have also increased public awareness of the historic Coast Guard Station, which has resulted in a collaborative cleanup and restoration effort by non-profit, corporate, and government entities. In 2016, the Cleveland Metroparks led a major renovation project at the Coast Guard Station funded by the Burning River Foundation. Repairs ranged from landscaping to the addition of historically accurate new windows and doors. Click below to read more about the project and the Burning River Festival.
Because we’re located two miles from the shores of Lake Erie and we produce a product that is over 90% water, we’re committed to protecting this valuable resource in brewery operations. While brewing and bottling utilizes a large amount of water, we do our best to reduce and reuse within our bottling and cleaning processes. In 2016, we were able to reduce our water usage rate by 9% and we continue to encourage our employees to look for more ways to keep reducing that number.
The Great Lakes Brewing Co. Local & Responsible Food Program was established to ensure ethical sourcing of the highest quality ingredients. We believe quality and locality go together. By buying locally, we reduce our carbon footprint and keep dollars in our local community. We use our buying power in alignment with our core values to serve you the freshest food available.
Our relationships with local farms are a highlight of our Local & Responsible Food Program. In 2008, GLBC established its own farm, Pint Size Farm at Hale Farm & Village, to expand local produce offerings in brewpub dishes and pub exclusive beers. In 2010 we became foundational partners with the Ohio City Farm, a relationship that continues to this day. Operated by Re:Source, Ohio City Farm helped our neighborhood become more food secure while creating jobs for resettled refugees, and has become one of the largest urban farms in the United States.
We have crafted a network of local food growers and producers in Ohio City and the surrounding community. We pride ourselves on sourcing local ingredients, including meat from local butchers, and breads, desserts, and pastries from local bakeries.
We don't think of our byproducts as waste. Along with traditional recycling, we believe in repurposing everything we can. Spent brewer's grain finds new life as a soil amendment on our farms and feed for livestock used in our brewpub's menu items. Low-fill beers become sauces, soups, sausage, and even soap. Take, make, remake--that's how we operate.
Great Lakes Brewing Company engages in economic, social, and environment practices that achieve a sustainable yet profitable business. We aim to be a thoughtful and diligent role model in our industry and for our community. Whenever possible, we seek partners who share our values and our commitment to quality. When making purchasing decisions, we value:
which we define as the maximum amount of use from the minimum amount of resources. We value frugality in the use of resources and energy, the usage of renewable resources, the reduction of waste throughout the supply chain, and advocacy for environmental change
which we define as justifiable rights that are believed to belong to every person. We value companies that are transparent in their workplace practices and commit to consistent improvements in employee welfare including safety and fair wages.
which we define as a preference to source goods and services that are manufactured and distributed locally; when purchased from distant sources, we look for companies invested in building and maintaining their communities.
From theaters and film festivals to historical societies and water advocacy organizations, GLBC is proud to be a supporter and advocate for the communities we serve. Through our brewpub's monthly Brewing Good Days, event sponsorships, volunteering, and in-kind giving, we are proud to support and partner with organizations which help strengthen, inspire, entertain, and beautify our communities.