An underground river of beer? In Cleveland? The idea might raise some eyebrows and elicit a few guffaws, but this is no Willy Wonka fantasy....
We are thrilled to announce that the Great Lakes Brewing Company Family of Employees is a Gold Level Sponsor of Pride in the CLE in 2018, thanks...
A Thirty-Year Gift Great Lakes Brewing Company announces the creation of an ESOP in celebration of its thirtieth anniversary CLEVELAND,...
Ditch the cranberry sauce and make room in the fridge, because our brand new Christmas Ale Glaze is here and ready to take your...
With Halloween just around the corner, there's no sense in tricking yourself into thinking that the treats are just for the kids. ...
It's been a big week for us at the national level! First, the American Homebrewers Association and Zymurgy magazine...
By Adam Ritterspach It’s a humid day in July and two pints, already glistening with condensation, have just been placed at my table. Mike Buckley...
To filter, or not to filter: that is the question. With so many beer styles showing up on shelves today, it can be confusing as to why some beers...


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